Daily Archives: February 19, 2013

More Samsung Galaxy drawings.

Sketch1921326SC20130219-110356 SC20130219-111045 SC20130219-111637 SC20130219-111815 SC20130219-112249 SC20130219-112330 SC20130219-113223 SC20130219-113555 SC20130219-121241 SC20130219-121902 SC20130219-122530 SC20130219-122836SC20130219-123911I got an automatic upgrade on my Sketchbook pro app for the tablet, so decided to give it a whirl at the Papcastle class today. It’s a wee bit over an hour’s sketching and I thought I’d take a few screenshots to show how I did it. Not that it turned out particularly brilliant in the end, but there’s precious little around on how to draw with a tablet, so maybe it’ll be of use to someone. 🙂

I began with a scribble, going by eye. One problem I find is that the screen is just too small to measure out properly, so she ended up with a bit of a giant foot. What does work, though, is the zoom, which is great for fiddly little details like toes. So once I got the basic shapes in, I could zoom in and out to get the details. That’s a double edged sword if you’re as picky as me – I get a bit bogged down in them!

After that I mucked about with the opacity settings to give a quick ‘wash’ with some grey shadows. I followed that with some flesh tone washes, building the skin tones up.

It’s a useful exercise and a fun way to draw. I didn’t get her right, but there are bits I do like about the drawing. I think ideally I’d like to draw with pencil, scan it in and then use the tablet to fix it and colour it. I’ve started doing this with some of my comic artwork for my other blogs, and it works well.

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Posted by on February 19, 2013 in Uncategorized


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